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    ...and back at home

    As one lucky college kid, I have had the generous gift of having no finals for this past Spring semester. As school has come and gone, so has my crazy-packed lifestyle. During what we call "Dead Days" or what is known as two days off before the reign of Final's Week, I have experienced a pleasant "Dead Week" in which I took a drive up north to stay with my parents for a whole week. From going to work with them to attempting to finish crafty projects, it really did feel like home again.

    A taste of home or at least something close to it. Just my parent's wanting to go out to dinner for a change of scene, but always choosing to eat at an Asian restaurant.

    Last Wednesday, I went with my mom to celebrate my pre-school teacher and her old co-worker finally retire after 32 years, 1979-2012. Not only did my mother work with her after we all went on to bigger things aka kindergarten, but both my older brothers and I had the wonderful privilege to have Mrs. Cole as our preschool teacher. 

    After waiting in line for 30 min, we finally snagged a photo with the local celebrity. 

    It was amazing to see the range of her students. From 30 year-olds coming back to celebrate to her current class of 4 year-old students. 

    Both of my brothers and my mom dressed up for Thanksgiving. They were Indians and she was the Pilgram if you couldn't guess. 

    After this celebration, I finally got to see my mother in action as a Chinese teacher at a local high school. One of the best parts about this was seeing her and her students interact. Oh and her room decorations. 

    Just a few hand-cut tennis balls on the desks so they won't make a peep. 

    I also spent my hiatus drafting a plan to redecorate my boss's home office. From floor pillows to flower-taped-pens, I went suburbia-home-ec on Joann's Fabric's and Home Depot. Determined to save as much money as possible I even downloaded the Joann's App on my iPhone in order to get that last dollar. Helloooooooooo, forty dollars saved and way under budget. 

    That Friday, I went to work putting together the Peonies flower pens, floor desks, and cloth whiteboards.

    The massive floor pillows I sewed up in pink, printed, metallics, and polk-a-dot fabric. 

    For Mother's Day, my father, mother and I ventured up to Houston to visit my two brother's who live there now. From Vietnamese sandwich shops to new chinese supermarkets, I couldn't help but check out what people were wearing. 

     With a cart full of asian candies and fruit snacks for my mother's students, I couldn't help but sneak a photo of this girl's tribal rain boots and printed bag.

    Green tea would look so great in your new Porcelain Mint Green Teapot for a hefty price of $9.99. 

    Just a wall of rice cookers or really just standard equipment for an asian market. 

    Though this past week was a week to recharge for the coming summer of work and play, I can't help but feel I had a lot accomplished. From family outings to work schedules, I almost forgot what it was like to be studying or really to be around people my own age. 

    Nonetheless, I am glad to be back in West Campus ready to rock the last two weeks of summer before summer school starts. 

    Maybe this week I'll take a page out of Butters' life and take a catnap. 

    play well&live accordingly,



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